Orlando Physician Assistant Program

Program Outcomes

Our PA program is committed to continuous improvement through a structured self-assessment process. We regularly evaluate our curriculum, student outcomes, and program resources to ensure alignment with educational standards and evolving healthcare needs. Feedback from students, faculty, preceptors, and graduates plays a vital role in this process, allowing us to adapt and enhance our program to foster excellence in physician associate education. This rigorous self-assessment supports our mission to prepare competent, compassionate healthcare providers ready to serve diverse communities.

A woman in a blue scrub top smiles while practicing a medical procedure on a mannequin's arm in a classroom setting. She is wearing blue gloves.

PANCE Pass Rate

Our first cohort will graduate in December 2027. The program will collect PANCE data after that cohorts sits for the exam.  The Program’s ARC-PA 5 Year Aggregate PANCE summary will be located on this page once it becomes available.

Annual Student Attrition Rate

Our first cohort will graduate in December 2027 and information regarding the program’s attrition and retention rates will be located here once available.

Program Goals Summary and Progress

The tables and narratives below summarize our program goals and progress as it becomes available.  After the first cohort begins in Fall 2025, progress toward our goals will be updated and published annually.

1.   Select highly qualified and diverse applicants for admission into the program.

Our program is committed to recruiting and selecting exceptional candidates who not only meet but exceed our academic requirements, particularly in cumulative and prerequisite science GPAs. We are dedicated to fostering diversity within the PA profession by actively recruiting and encouraging applications from underrepresented minorities, as identified in the PAEA Annual Program Report. Additionally, we prioritize increasing the enrollment of first-generation college students and veterans with military medical experience, creating a more inclusive and diverse cohort of future physician assistants. For additional information about our admissions process, refer to the Admissions page.

Admission of Highly Qualified Applicants into the South College Orlando Physician Assistant Program Classes of 2027-2030
(TBD = To Be Determined)
Measures of SuccessClass of 2027Class of 2028Class of 2029Class of 2030Benchmark
Overall Cumulative GPATBDTBDTBDTBD3.5
Pre-Requisite Science GPATBDTBDTBDTBD3.25
Direct Patient Care HoursTBDTBDTBDTBD500
Veterans with military medical experienceTBDTBDTBDTBD 3%
First-generation college studentsTBDTBDTBDTBD 10%
From a low socio-economic householdTBDTBDTBDTBD 10%
From a geographically medically underserved areaTBDTBDTBDTBD 5%
Bilingual or Multilingual applicantsTBDTBD TBDTBD 10%
Percent by ClassTBDTBDTBDTBD 20% in one or more categories
South College Orlando PA Program’s benchmarks are targeted to result in aggregated averages (means) that will meet or exceed the stated benchmark in each of the four categories listed above.  (Note: South College Orlando minimum GPA requirements are 2.75 for Overall GPA and 2.75 for Science GPA.  Determination of GPA, direct patient care hours, and diverse backgrounds is based on information extracted from the admissions application.)

2. Provide students with an educational curriculum that promotes lifelong learning skills/evidence-based medicine skills in preparation for clinical practice.

The effectiveness of the program at teaching lifelong learning/evidence-based medicine skills is evaluated using Likert-scale questions on a 5-point scale.  Scores are provided by students after completing the didactic phase of the program, by graduates shortly after completing the program, by program faculty, and by clinical preceptors.  The benchmark for each of these evaluations is an average of 3.5.  The table below displays scores from each group that will be queried.

Effectiveness of the PA Program at Teaching Lifelong Learning/Evidence-Based Medicine Skills
South College Orlando Physician Assistant Classes of 2027-2029
Measures for Promoting EBMClass of 2027Class of 2028Class of 2029
Student End of Didactic Phase SurveyTBDTBDTBD
Student Graduate Exit SurveyTBDTBDTBD
Faculty Evaluation of CurriculumTBDTBDTBD
Clinical Preceptor Evaluation of StudentTBDTBDTBD
*Each of the above-stated groups will complete a comprehensive program evaluation at the time interval indicated.  Students, graduates, and faculty will be asked about the effectiveness of the teaching methods used to teach these skills.  Preceptors will be asked about students’ use of these skills.  The aggregated average (mean) score for each area assessed will be based on a five-point Likert scale. The South College Orlando PA Program’s benchmark is an aggregated average (mean) score equal to or greater than 3.5 in all areas assessed.

3. Prepare students to pass the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE) at a rate at or above the national average.

The PA program strives to be a program of excellence in which its students are well-equipped to pass the PANCE.  The program sets as its benchmark based on the national average percentage of test-takers who passed the certifying exam on the first attempt.

Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE) Pass Rates
South College Orlando Physician Assistant Classes of 2027-2031
South College first-time takers pass rateTBDTBDTBDTBDTBD
National first-time takers pass rateTBDTBDTBDTBDTBD
*Percentage of South College Orlando students and students nationwide who pass the PANCE on the first attempt. The South College Orlando benchmark is to have a first-time taker pass rate (Data source: NCCPA PANCE Reports) that is equal to or greater than the national average pass rate.

4.  Prepare students to practice patient-centered care and embrace cultural inclusion and diversity.

The effectiveness of the program at preparing students to practice patient-centered care and embrace cultural inclusion and diversity is evaluated using Likert-scale questions on a 5-point scale.  Scores are provided by students after completing the didactic phase of the program, by graduates shortly after completing the program, by program faculty, and by clinical preceptors.  The benchmark for each of these evaluations is an average of 3.5.  The table below displays scores from each group that will be queried.

Effectiveness of the PA Program at Preparing Students to Practice Patient-Centered Care
South College Orlando Physician Assistant Classes of 2027-2029
Measures for Practicing Patient Centered CareClass of 2027Class of 2028Class of 2029
Student End of Didactic Phase SurveyTBDTBDTBD
Student Graduate Exit SurveyTBDTBDTBD
Faculty Evaluation of CurriculumTBDTBDTBD
Clinical Preceptor Evaluation of StudentTBDTBDTBD
Effectiveness of the PA Program at Preparing Students to Embrace Cultural Inclusion and Diversity
South College Orlando Physician Assistant Classes of 2027-2029
Measures for Embracing Cultural AwarenessClass of 2027Class of 2028Class of 2029
Student End of Didactic Phase SurveyTBDTBDTBD
Student Graduate Exit SurveyTBDTBDTBD
Faculty Evaluation of CurriculumTBDTBDTBD
Clinical Preceptor Evaluation of StudentTBDTBDTBD
*Each of the above-stated groups will complete a comprehensive program evaluation at the time interval indicated.  Students, graduates, and faculty will be asked about the effectiveness of the teaching methods used to teach these skills.  Preceptors will be asked about students’ use of these skills.  The aggregated average (mean) score for each area assessed will be based on a five-point Likert scale. The South College Orlando PA Program’s benchmark is an aggregated average (mean) score equal to or greater than 3.5 in all areas assessed.

5. Ensure that graduates possess the technical skills needed to practice medicine.

The effectiveness of the program at preparing its graduates with the technical skills needed for clinical practice is evaluated using Likert-scale questions on a 5-point scale.  Scores are provided by students after completing the didactic phase of the program, by graduates shortly after completing the program, by program faculty, and by clinical preceptors.  The benchmark for each of these evaluations is an average of 3.5.  The table below displays scores from each group that will be queried.

Effectiveness of the PA Program at Preparing Students with Needed Technical Skills
South College Orlando Physician Assistant Classes of 2027-2029
Measures for Assessing Technical SkillsClass of 2027Class of 2028Class of 2029Benchmark
Student End of Didactic Phase SurveyTBDTBDTBD
Student Graduate Exit SurveyTBDTBDTBD
Faculty Evaluation of CurriculumTBDTBDTBD
Clinical Preceptor Evaluation of StudentTBDTBDTBD
Mean Cohort Performance on Clinical Summative ReviewTBDTBDTBD > 85%
*Each of the above-stated groups will complete a comprehensive program evaluation at the time interval indicated.  Students, graduates, and faculty will be asked about the effectiveness of the teaching methods used to teach these skills.  Preceptors will be asked about students’ use of these skills.  The aggregated average (mean) score for each area assessed will be based on a five-point Likert scale.  The South College Orlando PA Program’s benchmark is an aggregated average (mean) score equal to or greater than 3.5 in all areas assessed.

6.     Provide a curriculum that fosters interprofessional education and team-based health care.

The effectiveness of the program at preparing its graduates for clinical practice in a team-based health care environment is evaluated using Likert-scale questions on a 5-point scale.  Scores are provided by students after completing the didactic phase of the program, by graduates shortly after completing the program, by program faculty, and by clinical preceptors.  The benchmark for each of these evaluations is an average of 3.5.  The table below displays scores from each group that will be queried.

Effectiveness of the PA Program at Preparing Students to Practice in a Team-Based Environment
South College Orlando Physician Assistant Classes of 2027-2029
Measures for Fostering IPEClass of 2027Class of 2028Class of 2029
Student End of Didactic Phase SurveyTBDTBDTBD
Student Graduate Exit SurveyTBDTBDTBD
Faculty Evaluation of CurriculumTBDTBDTBD
Clinical Preceptor Evaluation of StudentTBDTBDTBD
*Each of the above-stated groups will complete a comprehensive program evaluation at the time interval indicated.  Students, graduates, and faculty will be asked about the effectiveness of the teaching methods used to teach these skills.  Preceptors will be asked about students’ use of these skills.  The aggregated average (mean) score for each area assessed will be based on a five-point Likert scale. The South College Orlando PA Program’s benchmark is an aggregated average (mean) score equal to or greater than 3.5 in all areas assessed.