South College follows the required methodology provided by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission for the reporting of employment information for graduates. This information is compiled on an annual basis and submitted to the Commission by October 15 each year for graduates during the most recently completed reporting year (July 1-June 30) for required campuses. For campuses outside of the state of Tennessee, this methodology is also used in the compilation of institutional information.

What records to include?

Students who completed a program during the reporting period of July 1 through June 30.

Information regarding employment of graduates:

Employment of a graduate may be infield/related field or out-of-field. The institution maintains information and statistics relating to both. Information reported on the institutional website relates to employment of available graduates infield/related.

There are times that a Special Circumstance Non-Placement circumstance renders a graduate as unavailable in the annual calculation of employment rate. As included in the THEC methodology, these include:

  1. Health related situation
  2. Family emergency
  3. Death
  4. Incarceration
  5. Full-time military service
  6. Job relocated/transferred
  7. Continuing education at our institution
  8. Continuing education at a different institution
  9. Pending fulfillment of licensing requirements or rendered ineligible for licensure after enrollment
  10. International students – unable by law to work
  11. Student could not be contacted/Refused employment

The Office of Career Services at South College contacts all graduates on a regular basis and seeks information regarding employment to include position, name of employer, supervisor, and address/telephone information for employer. This information is kept on record.

Some academic programs are required to report information on an annual basis rather than the THEC reporting year basis. Programmatic information is reported via the program webpage as required.
