Undergraduate Admissions Requirements

General Undergraduate Admissions Requirements
In order to be considered for general undergraduate admittance to South College, the prospective student must:
For Certificate Programs:
Provide proof of high school graduation from an acceptable high school or the equivalent (GED/HiSET)
For Associate and Baccalaureate Programs:
Provide proof of high school graduation from an acceptable high school or the equivalent (GED/HiSET) (except as noted below) and meet one of the following:
- Obtain the specified score on the college-administered entrance examination. Score requirements for admission can be obtained from the Admissions Department.
- Submit a minimum SAT combined score of 830. Essay section not required.
- Submit a minimum ACT Assessment composite score of 17.
- Provide evidence of completion of an associate degree or above from an accredited institution with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00. No proof of high school or the equivalent is required once evidence is received and approved.
- Evidence a 2.5 cumulative high school GPA. Students who have earned a GED with a passing score in all categories and an average score of 165 or higher will be deemed to have fulfilled this requirement. Students who have passed the HiSET and scored a minimum of 15 out of 20 on each of the 5 subtests will be deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.
Applicants who have completed their high school education through home schooling are required to submit proof of a minimum SAT or ACT score as indicated above, meet the criteria established for acceptance as a transfer student, or provide acceptable documentation of home-schooling evaluation. South College does not accept IEP, Special Education, Technical, or vocational diplomas as the equivalent of a high school diploma.
Credentials earned outside the United States must be evaluated by a NACES-member credential evaluation service. Please speak with an Admissions Representative for more information.
General admission to South College does not guarantee admittance to those programs with additional programmatic admission requirements. Please visit the section of the catalog dedicated to the program of choice for information regarding all admission and application procedures.
South College does not accept undocumented foreign nationals.
Immunizations Requirements
All new students enrolling in onground classes at South College campuses in Tennessee and North Carolina are asked to submit certain immunization documentation. Students new to South College should minimally provide proof of immunity to Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella (chicken pox). Students may enroll with documentation of one dose of each required vaccine by the date specified for their enrollment period. The minimum immunization requirements and exemptions to the requirements are discussed in the admissions process.
Students pursuing a Health Profession program at all campuses are required to meet specific program requirements regarding immunization for Hepatitis B and other diseases. The documentation required for program-required immunizations is outlined during the program admission process.
Military and Veteran Students
In order for VA students to qualify for financial aid related to their military service, South College must receive all official transcripts from previous post-secondary or training institutions no later than the end of the second quarter of enrollment. Click here for more information on support for veteran and military students.
Admission to Individual Academic Programs
General admission to South College does not guarantee admission to specific programs. Please see the Academic Catalog section pertaining to your desired major for information about program acceptance.
If you wish to enter a program leading to a career that requires a license or certification, you should be aware that a prior misdemeanor or felony conviction may restrict your ability to obtain the necessary professional licensure or certification.
Acceptance into a South College program does not imply or guarantee that you will be able to obtain licensure or certification. Difficulties may also arise in relation to clinical, internship, and student teaching placements, affecting your ability to progress in the program.
For more information about requirements for transfer students, high school students seeking dual enrollment, visiting undergraduate students, former students seeking readmission, international students, and students not seeking degrees, return to the main admissions page.
Credit by Examination (Challenge Exams)
South College offers students an opportunity to obtain credit in areas of competency through college administered challenge examinations in limited areas. The Chief Academic Officer, in consultation with the academic department, is the final authority on whether or not a course may be exempted through the examination process. Skill courses, such as computer and medical lab courses, are reviewed on an individual basis. To be eligible to earn credit, the student must
- Submit a completed Request for Challenge Examination form signed by all appropriate parties at the designated campus. All challenge examinations must be completed within the first two quarters of attendance unless permission is granted by the Dean/Department Chair.
- Verify that he or she has not previously taken the course at South College.
- Verify that he or she is not currently enrolled in the course at South College.
- Pay a $100 examination fee for all approved exams
Challenge examinations are administered electronically via arranged time with the test administrator. Students may attempt to earn credit by examination for a course only once, must score the appropriate score determined by their academic department to receive credit, and must complete all challenge exams within their first two quarters of attendance unless permission otherwise is granted by the Dean/Department Chair. Students who do not earn the minimum required score on any challenge exam must take the course as required in the curriculum.
Credits earned by examination are considered in the same way as transfer credits and are not used in the computation of the student’s grade point average. Students may not earn more than 75% of their total credits through credit by examination, transfer credit, or a combination thereof.
CLEP, Dantes DSST, AP, AICE, and IB scores can be submitted for evaluation for course credit. The guidelines for awarding credit are available in the Admissions Department and on the institutional website.
To apply for admission to South College, you will need to submit an application online or contact our admissions office. A $50 application fee is required for most programs. The MHS Physician Assistant Studies application fee is $95. The Doctor of Physical Therapy application fee is $60. This fee is not refundable except as provided under the Financial Information section of the Academic Catalog.
A range of financial aid options are available for those who qualify, including Tennessee Promise, South College Promise, and Yellow Ribbon Program funding. Click here for more information about financial aid.
Applicants to graduate programs (PharmD, DPT, EdS, MHS in Physician Assistant Studies, MEd in Teacher as Instructional Leader and Elementary Education (K-5) Initial Licensure, MBA, MS in Information Technology, MS in Nursing, MS in Criminal Justice, or Graduate Certificate programs) should visit the section of the catalog dedicated to these programs for information regarding all admission and application procedures.
South College does not accept undocumented foreign nationals.