Withdrawal Policy

Students who must interrupt the program for reasons of prolonged illness or compelling personal reasons must withdraw from the Physician Assistant (PA) program. Requests for withdrawal must be submitted in writing to their faculty advisor, the Program Director of the program, and the Registrar. Program reentry requests must be submitted in writing to the Program Director and will be referred to the student progress committee for reentry consideration. There are no guarantees regarding reentry into the Physician Assistant program.

Reentry may be granted for a period of up to one year, pending the reason for the withdraw (medical and/or personal). PA students will be required to repeat the didactic or clinical year course sequences in effect at the time of reentry and the PA student must comply with all policies and requirements in effect at time of reentry.

A withdrawal is considered to be official when a student notifies the Program Director of the program. Students should discuss this process with their faculty advisor prior to this action. Students who do not officially withdraw will be considered enrolled in courses until an appropriate academic participation verification point. If it is determined a student is no longer academically participating at the regular check points, the student will be officially withdrawn by the College.
